Welcome to the APEC PEACE-P website

The Alabama Perinatal Excellence Collaborative's (APEC) goal is to improve pregnancy outcomes by providing Obstetric providers with evidence-based practice guidelines and decision trees to assist them in the care of pregnant women. Pregnancy Education Activation Communication Enhancement for Providers (PEACE-P) provides an avenue for easy access to the guidelines and direct contact with APEC leaders. Guidelines can be viewed on the PEACE-P website via your personal computer, tablet, or smart phone. Follow the link provided to download the app onto your personal device; the app is designed to be compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

APEC Guidelines

The Alabama Perinatal Excellence Collaborative (APEC) was developed as a joint effort between the Alabama Maternity Medicaid Care Program, Alabama Department of Public Health, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the University of South Alabama, and community care providers to lower infant mortality and improve maternal and infant health in Alabama through a comprehensive approach to development and implement evidence-based obstetric care guidelines. These guidelines are viewable online.

Get the App

The March of Dimes funded PEACE-P smart phone app provides obstetric providers with easy access to the APEC guidelines at the point of care. Each posted guideline screen includes a summary, full-text, and pdf narrative available for iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. Download the peace-p app to your personal device by clicking on the phone below.

Feature or Screen name.

APEC Vision Statement

To be an exemplary resource for obstetric and other healthcare providers throughout the state of Alabama for assistance in improving perinatal outcomes and ultimately the health and welfare of women and infants throughout Alabama.

APEC Mission Statement

To lower infant mortality and improve maternal and infant health in Alabama through:

  1. Implementation and utilization of evidence-based obstetric care guidelines
  2. Assessment of meaningful quality benchmarks
  3. Enhanced communication and collaboration with providers, both primary and sub-specialty, and patients

APEC Goals

Ultimate Goal: Improve Pregnancy Outcomes

  1. Help guide OB providers via evidence-based practice guidelines and decision trees
  2. Identify meaningful quality benchmarks
  3. Develop data collection measures
  4. Review quality data and provide feedback to individual providers and institutions
  5. Develop mechanisms to help providers in achieving benchmarks